Why Did Jesus Die?

The featured audio messages in this part of Manje Pou Nanm’s network we believe to be reasonably true to the Word of God. We do not necessarily agree with all that these speakers may hold on Bible doctrine (teaching) but do believe that these messages may help some find truth from the Bible. May these be a blessing to you in some way. If you hear anything in these messages that is not sound doctrine, or if you have a comment or question about anything that you heard from these messages, please let us know by opening a new topic in the forum.

Jer 23:29-32. Is not my word like fire? says the Lord; and like a hammer, smashing the rock to bits? For this cause I am against the prophets, says the Lord, who take my words, every one from his neighbour. See, I am against the prophets, says the Lord, who let their tongues say, He has said. See, I am against the prophets of false dreams, says the Lord, who give them out and make my people go out of the way by their deceit and their uncontrolled words: but I did not send them or give them orders; and they will be of no profit to this people, says the Lord.


  • “Rivers of water are flowing from my eyes, because men do not keep your law. O Lord, great is your righteousness, and upright are your decisions”(Ps 119:136-137).

    “Mes yeux répandent des torrents d’eau, parce qu’on n’observe pas ta loi. Tu es juste, ô Eternel ! Et tes jugements sont équitables”(Ps 119:136-137).

  • Do you have an article or a video you would like to post on Manje Pou Nanm’s network? Please review our statement of faith then click on the button below to submit your post or video.

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