Scientism is the view that only scientific claims are meaningful. It is often widely abused as a term to refer to science and attitudes associated with science, and its primary use these days is as a pejorative.[1]

The non-pejorative, and therefore boring, sense of the term denotes the “methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist.”[2][3] This meaning is rarely seen in the wild.

The pejorative sense, in which it is a general-purpose snarl word, is the one you will see in action.[4] This usage seems to date to Friedrich von Hayek’s 1943 essay “Scientism and the Study of Society.”[5] Because the mad scientists are prowling the streets! ==>


  • “Rivers of water are flowing from my eyes, because men do not keep your law. O Lord, great is your righteousness, and upright are your decisions”(Ps 119:136-137).

    “Mes yeux répandent des torrents d’eau, parce qu’on n’observe pas ta loi. Tu es juste, ô Eternel ! Et tes jugements sont équitables”(Ps 119:136-137).

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