10 Men Christian Women Should Never Marry

Editor’s Note: This is the first piece in a two-part series on dating red flags. You can read 10 Women Christian Men Should Never Marry here.

As women, we grow up dreaming about whom we’ll someday marry. We watch countless romantic movies and read fairy tales about Prince Charming. We have Pinterest boards for planning the big wedding day. We make lists of traits we’d love to see in a future husband, longing for Mr. Right. Often our expectations loom big. And in our quest for the happily ever after, we may start to feel like we have to settle.

Often when our interests are sparked and feelings are flowing, we can get swept away and even lose sight of what is true. Yet, love doesn’t have to be blind. There’s no reason to settle for relationships that are unhealthy or even harmful.

God cares about you. He cares about the one you marry. And you can trust He will give guidance or even some red flags to be aware of along the way.

10 Characteristics that Should Raise a Red Flag:

1. The Unbeliever – Marriage can be hard enough at times, add to that the pressure of deeper spiritual disconnect, and you may be in big trouble when the normal stressors of life occur. Missionary dating and marriage will be a road of extra struggle. If you hold vastly different spiritual beliefs now, don’t falsely assume you’ll get him to “turn around,” or change his ways later. It may happen, but it may not. Be careful not to settle for less than what God would want for the spiritual health and care of your marriage. 2 Cor. 6:14


  • “Rivers of water are flowing from my eyes, because men do not keep your law. O Lord, great is your righteousness, and upright are your decisions”(Ps 119:136-137).

    “Mes yeux répandent des torrents d’eau, parce qu’on n’observe pas ta loi. Tu es juste, ô Eternel ! Et tes jugements sont équitables”(Ps 119:136-137).

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